Was it Mark Twain that said, "Golf is a good walk spoiled?" Well, with all due respect to Mr. Twain, the 1st Annual Embark Matches at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort was anything but a ruined stroll along the beautiful Oregon coast. From September 11-14, we had a fantastic time with our friends and clients from the oil & gas industry at one of the country's premier golf destinations.

Of course, we love our clients from other industries, too, but at least for this particular event, we wanted a relaxed atmosphere where everyone shared the same shorthand. And that's exactly what it was – a perfect setting for our guests to enjoy the company of like-minded oil & gas professionals. In fact, we can't imagine having a better time building relationships, both on the course and at dinner each night, all while soaking in the sights of a truly world-class resort. Sure, a few more birdies would've been nice, but such is life.
And since we're talking about birdies, Embark happens to think there's always room for a little competition, maybe even a side-bet or two for good measure. That's why the team match-play format fit the event so well, letting the competitive juices flow between this amazing roster of participants: Double Eagle Energy, EnCap Investments, Tailwater Capital, Discovery Midstream, Presidio Petroleum, Switchback Energy, Goodnight Midstream, Protégé Energy, Silverback Exploration, Rockall Energy, and Black Mountain Sand.
Our first champions, Discovery Midstream.
By the time the sand (trap) settled and everyone was enjoying the 19th hole, Discovery Midstream had come out on top, knocking off Double Eagle Energy in the finals to win the 1st Annual Embark Matches.
We congratulate the victors and can't express how grateful we are to all of our clients and friends that made the event such a great time. It far surpassed even our lofty expectations, and we can't wait for the 2nd Annual Embark Matches next fall. So stay tuned for the venue and dates, and don't forget to hit the range a few times between now and then!