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Pro forma statements – it’s one of those terms that everyone has heard at some point in their life, but surprisingly few actually understand what they are and why they’re so important. But like many things in the financial world, once you get past the semantics of it all, pro formas are a relatively straightforward concept with potentially massive impact.

What is a pro forma statement?
In our Ultimate Guide to Pro Forma Statements, we demystify these critical financial windows into the hypothetical realm. And we do this by explaining the underlying concepts in language that doesn’t require a Ph.D., all without sacrificing a single ounce of information and insight. As you’ll see, our comprehensive look at pro formas covers a wide range of topics:

  • When & why do companies use pro formas?
  • High-level pro forma best practices
  • A close look at pro forma adjustments

Download: The Ultimate Guide to Pro Formas

Despite what you might think, however, our look into these often misunderstood statements is different than what you’ll find elsewhere on the interwebs. We wanted to up the ante a good bit by providing you with some roll-up your sleeves, boots-on-the-ground advice that only comes from vast, hands-on industry experience, including:

  • When, where & how to make necessary adjustments
  • Common circumstances & transactions that require adjustment
  • How to handle intercompany transactions
  • Organizing your systems & processes
  • Tracking/detailing your considerations and transactions
  • Adjusting for policy gaps between the combined businesses
  • Tips for creating your pro forma statements

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And that’s just an overview. When making this guide, our goal was to create a powerful tool that gives you a better understanding of pro formas and the roles they play in everything from risk analysis and projections to PE/VC investment and M&A. So give Embark’s Ultimate Guide to Pro Forma Statements a read, save it on your desktop for easy access, and put its insights to good use. Your stakeholders will thank you for it.

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