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51 embark NetSuite training best practices maximize ROI on your ERP – ASAP-05 (1)

So you've just invested in NetSuite. Images of streamlined processes and overflowing efficiencies are parading through your head as you dream big about the future. And while that’s definitely fantastic to hear, it's all for naught if you don't build it on a rock-solid foundation of training and support.

Simply put, investing in a next-level ERP like NetSuite is a black hole for resources and effort if your people are unable, uncomfortable, or unwilling to actually use it. Therefore, just like the ERP itself, NetSuite training for your team is a strategic investment in your future and critical to unlocking the platform's power and potential. And that’s exactly why we're showing you how to build a training program across the implementation cycle that’ll ensure you're making the very most of the NetSuite platform. So let's get started.

ERP Pre-Implementation Training: Prepping for Success

First and foremost, a NetSuite ERP implementation should put a bounce in any organization's collective step. The problem is, huge benefits like automation, better decision-making, and fast, accurate reporting don't just happen on their own. As we discussed in our comprehensive guide on implementing NetSuite, all of that exhilarating enablement goes right out the window if you don't lay the groundwork, especially on the training front.

So, where should you start this epic journey? At the beginning, of course, with four critical pre-implementation training pillars to ensure you hit the ground running:

1. Identifying Training Needs

One size definitely doesn't fit all when it comes to NetSuite training. To properly cater to your diverse team, you'll want a needs assessment that takes the following key factors into account:

  • Roles and Responsibilities: From executives utilizing dashboards to warehouse staff managing inventory, each role demands specific skills and knowledge. Don't treat everyone as "users" – tailor the training to their unique workflows and responsibilities.
  • Individual Skill Levels and Existing ERP Knowledge: It's a delicate balance between overwhelming beginners with advanced modules and ensuring veteran ERP users stay engaged. Thus, assess existing knowledge and skills through surveys and tests to avoid redundancy and deliver training with the right intensity.
  • Planned Functionalities and Modules: Focus on the specific modules your team will utilize daily. Skip the irrelevant features and delve deeper into core functionalities crucial for their success.

2. Developing a Tailored Training Program

Variety is the spice of life – and learning. Thus, an effective program caters to diverse learning styles, keeping engagement high with a blend of formats:

  • Interactive Instructor-Led Sessions: For hands-on practice, personalized feedback, and building team spirit, live sessions with seasoned trainers are invaluable.
  • Tailored Online Modules: Bite-sized e-learning modules offer flexibility and self-paced learning for independent study and knowledge reinforcement.
  • On-the-Job Coaching and Mentorship: Real-world application is critical. Pair experienced users with newbies for guided practice and immediate problem-solving support.
  • Blended Learning: Combine the best of each format – classroom interaction, e-learning flexibility, and real-time coaching – to create a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience.

3. Pre-Launch Communication and Engagement

Launching a new system shouldn't feel like jumping into the Pacific without a lifejacket. Proactive communication and a supportive environment are essential to:

  • Raise Awareness and Build Buzz: Generate excitement about the new possibilities NetSuite offers. Showcase its potential impact on individual roles and team success, including specific use cases from similar companies.
  • Answer Questions and Address Concerns Upfront: Be transparent about the change process. Anticipate and address common concerns proactively, easing anxieties and building trust through FAQs, town halls, or dedicated communication channels.
  • Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning: Make training a core value, not a one-time event. Encourage knowledge sharing, peer support, and a mindset of continuous improvement through incentive programs and internal communities.

4. Cost Considerations and ROI

Yes, training might seem like an upfront cost to some. And, technically, it is. However, looking at robust training as an investment in your future is a far more accurate and on-point description. By optimizing workflows, minimizing errors, and empowering your team to leverage NetSuite's full potential, the return on your training investment becomes abundantly clear, a critical point to drive home to leadership in the eternal search for buy-in and support.

Remember, pre-implementation training isn't a luxury – it's the first step to NetSuite success. By tailoring the training to your team's unique needs, utilizing diverse formats, fostering a supportive environment, and focusing on the returns you'll drive, you'll create the foundation for a smooth transition and long-term optimization.

NetSuite Implementation and Go-Live Training

The pre-training is complete, the excitement is building, and go-live approaches. This is when intensive, focused implementation and go-live training become your best friend, ensuring your team navigates the transition confidently and emerges unscathed and beaming on the other side.

Free Resource: NetSuite Go-Live Checklist

Role-Specific Training

During implementation, training must be laser-focused on individual roles and responsibilities.

  • Mastering the Interface: From navigating menus to customizing reporting, empower each user to feel comfortable and efficient in their daily environment, like, for example, executives utilizing dashboards and warehouse staff managing inventory screens.
  • Core Tasks and Essential Workflows: Look at the tasks each user performs routinely and react accordingly. Train them on record creation, editing, and management for flawless data integrity, emphasizing real-world application through simulations.
  • Workflow Customization: Teach your team how to tailor workflows to their specific needs, maximizing efficiency and eliminating unnecessary steps. Quantify the benefits of this type of activity in terms of time saved and productivity gains.

Live Q&A and Expert Assistance

Questions and hiccups are inevitable during go-live. That's why having real-time access to live Q&A sessions and expert support is crucial. Imagine seasoned NetSuite specialists – whether from NetSuite, in-house champions, outside specialists, or a combination of them – just a click away, instantly resolving issues and keeping the momentum going. Talk about a massive boost of octane for your implementation and adoption.

Data Migration and Testing Support

Moving mountains of data can be a treacherous climb. Rather than risking calamity, consider investing in expert data migration and testing assistance to ensure a smooth and accurate transfer of information from your old system to NetSuite. These services pave the way for a seamless transition, avoiding data integrity issues and frustration just down the road.

Post-Go-Live Guidance

Your go-live isn't the end of the training journey. Post-go-live troubleshooting and user guidance will provide critical ongoing support and address any lingering concerns, helping your team navigate post-launch obstacles and build confidence in their new skills.

User Resistance and Change Management

New systems can create anxiety. Recognize and address user resistance through effective change management strategies. Open communication, transparency, and highlighting the benefits for individual roles – and the overall company – can pave the way for a much smoother adoption.

Ultimately, implementation and go-live training aren't just about technical skills – they're about building confidence, fostering a supportive environment, and ensuring everyone feels equipped to navigate the change. By providing intensive, role-specific training, readily available support, expert data migration assistance, and ongoing guidance, you'll turn a potential go-live storm into smooth sailing for long-term NetSuite success.

Ongoing Learning and Optimization for NetSuite Mastery

As we said, there's no finish line with a NetSuite implementation. It's more of a launchpad for continuous growth and optimization. Thus, by embracing ongoing learning and fostering a collaborative environment, you can propel your team to new heights, unlock the full potential of NetSuite, and maintain a competitive edge. And what's not to like about that? Here's what you'll need:

Continuous Training Initiatives

Want to maintain that internal fire for your team? Keep stoking those ERP flames? Then keep those training initiatives humming through:

  • Troubleshooting, Advanced Feature Workshops, and Specialization Training: Take advantage of your NetSuite account and use SuiteAnswers to dive deeper into specific modules and functionalities – from high-level financial management to more focused areas like inventory management, e-commerce, and industry-specific modules – relevant to user roles and other business management needs.
  • Refresher NetSuite Training Courses, Certification Exams, and Knowledge Reinforcement Activities: Keep the fundamentals fresh with periodic refreshers – or even certifications – from the NetSuite course catalog. Likewise, microlearning modules or gamified knowledge reinforcement strategies can combat knowledge erosion and maintain user proficiency.
  • Self-Paced Learning Resources and Knowledge Base Access: Empower your team with readily available resources like online tutorials, knowledge base articles, and recorded training sessions.

Aside from the handy training and support tools that come with your NetSuite account, you might also add – at an additional cost – SuiteSuccess for implementation-specific support or Learning Cloud Support (LCS) for webinars and other e-learning resources. And, of course, there are always insights, best practices, templates, and more from experienced NetSuite partners to make your ERP sing.

Performance Monitoring and Feedback Loops

Data is your compass throughout the ERP optimization journey, making it critical to regularly monitor performance to identify areas for improvement and user pain points. Here's how:

  • Identify Areas for Improvement and User Pain Points: Track key metrics like user adoption rate, error frequency, and task completion times. Also, look at performance dashboards or user feedback mechanisms specifically designed for NetSuite for even more valuable insights.
  • Tailor Training to Address Specific Needs and Usage Patterns: Utilize the data gathered to tailor training programs to address specific user needs and everyday challenges. Such data-driven training improves user performance and overall system utilization.
  • Measure the Impact of Training on Efficiency and ROI: Quantify the value of your training efforts by measuring the impact on efficiency, error reduction, and overall ROI. Include specific metrics like time saved, cost reduction figures, or productivity gains. It's all catnip for leadership and gives your training efforts a certain gravitas they might otherwise lack.

Build a Collaborative Learning Environment

Learning thrives in a collaborative environment where knowledge flows freely and achievements are celebrated. Foster this culture by:

  • Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Sharing and Mentorship Programs: Encourage experienced users to mentor newcomers, creating a knowledge-sharing network that benefits everyone and positively impacts team morale and knowledge retention.
  • User Groups and Forums for Open Discussions and Problem-Solving: Create spaces for open dialogue, problem-solving, and best practice sharing to help overcome challenges and drive innovation as a team.
  • Celebrating Successes and Achievements: Recognize and reward individual and team accomplishments to maintain motivation and reinforce the value of continuous learning. Implementing recognition programs or incentive schemes will highlight the positive effect on user engagement and commitment to constant improvement.

By embracing these strategies, you can transform your NetSuite implementation from a static system to a dynamic engine of growth – the gift that keeps on giving.

Other NetSuite Training Best Practices and Strategies

While the core training pillars we've discussed so far are crucial, there are a handful of other best practices and strategies we want you to keep in mind as well. Call them pointers from the implementation frontlines.

Invest in Quality: Certified Trainers and Materials Matter

Don't settle for generic expertise. Invest in experienced NetSuite trainers with in-depth knowledge and practical, hands-on experience. Look for individuals with relevant industry certifications and proven track records of delivering impactful training. Similarly, prioritize official NetSuite training materials and resources to ensure your team learns from the best and most up-to-date sources.

Embrace Technology: Redefine Online Learning

Leverage technology to create engaging and accessible online learning experiences. Explore platforms that offer interactive elements, gamification, and personalized learning paths to cater to diverse preferences and learning styles.

Beyond the Theory: Practical Application is Key

Training isn't about theoretical knowledge. Rather, it should focus on equipping your team with critical NetSuite skills they can readily apply in their daily operations. Prioritize hands-on exercises, real-world case studies, and simulations that mirror actual workflows and challenges. Partner with certified trainers who can provide personalized feedback and guidance on applying learned skills in the context of your specific business processes.

Select the Right Partner: Expertise, Experience, and Format

Finally, choosing the right NetSuite professional for your training needs is crucial. As we've said, look for NetSuite experts with a proven track record of successful training programs and a diverse range of training formats to cater to your specific needs. Consider factors like their industry experience, NetSuite certifications, learning platform capabilities, and customization options to ensure the best fit for your team.

Needless to say, that describes Embark to a tee – ready, willing, and able to help create a NetSuite training program that truly empowers your team, elevates the NetSuite solution's impact, and propels your business forward. Want to see what NetSuite can really do for your organization? Then let's talk.

Free Resource

NetSuite Go-Live Checklist


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