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embark NetSuite pricing facets, factors, and features to consider_v2-05

A whole lot goes into choosing the right ERP, including your budget. Sure, in a perfect world, price would be no object. However, this isn't a perfect world, so your wallet is just as important as your business needs when searching for a new ERP. Fortunately, NetSuite makes finding a solution that fits any budget easy, assuming you consider the right factors.

While the many models and choices that go into NetSuite system pricing can be confusing at first glance, simply taking a systematic approach to your due diligence can go a long way in de-muddying the waters. That's exactly why we're going through key cost factors to keep in mind when determining which flavor of the NetSuite ERP to implement, at least initially. So let's feed that due diligence and find the ideal version of NetSuite for your company's budget, needs, and goals.

A Caveat on NetSuite Pricing

Before diving in, we want to get something out of the way first. There are plenty of other sources on the interwebs that will give you a specific price range for NetSuite pricing. So, just so we can hang with the cool kids, we’ll say NetSuite will probably cost you somewhere between $30,000 and $300,000 to implement.

Big range, huh? Borderline useless? Honestly, that’s why we’re focusing on your pricing due diligence and budget rather than specific numbers – there are simply too many variables involved to provide anything remotely reliable for you to use. Put another way, we’d rather show you how to get to an accurate, reliable cost figure instead of dangling random numbers in front of you that, by the way, don’t have any real meaning to your decision-making process. Go figure.

And now, on with our scheduled programming.

The Benefits of the NetSuite ERP

Chances are, if you're already searching "How much does NetSuite cost?" on the interwebs, you already know what the platform is capable of. However, just in case you're still in fact-finding mode, let’s take a quick moment to see why NetSuite isn't just another enterprise resource planning package.

For the right organizations – a huge group considering the massive swath of industry NetSuite caters to – the NetSuite ERP system is a robust, cloud-based platform designed to revolutionize how you manage your entire business. And that's not hyperbole.

Imagine a single, unified system streamlining your operations, from finance and accounting to inventory and customer relationship management. Along the way, it eliminates data silos, fosters seamless collaboration across departments, and empowers you with real-time insights to make informed decisions. That’s NetSuite in a nutshell.

But what, exactly, does the platform offer, and why should it be on your radar as you navigate the ERP landscape? To answer that, let's delve into the core functionalities and benefits that make NetSuite a preferred choice for businesses of all sizes, from nimble startups to large, well-established enterprises.

  • Streamlined Operations: Ditch the patchwork of disparate applications and embrace a unified platform that manages all your critical business processes under one roof. Say goodbye to manual data entry and tedious reconciliations as NetSuite automates tasks, reduces errors, and saves you valuable time and resources.
  • Enhanced Data Visibility: Gain instant access to a single source of truth for all your business data. No more digging through spreadsheets or chasing down information across multiple systems. NetSuite gives you real-time visibility into every aspect of your operations, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and generate genuine business intelligence with confidence.
  • Improved Efficiency: Eliminate redundancies and bottlenecks in your workflows. NetSuite automates routine tasks, streamlines approvals, and optimizes your processes, leading to increased efficiency and productivity across your entire organization.
  • Cloud-Based Agility: Embrace your future with a cloud-based ERP solution. NetSuite offers unparalleled scalability, accessibility, and security, allowing you to adapt to changing market dynamics and seize opportunities as they arise.

We could go on and on, but you get the point. NetSuite is an excellent choice in ERP for the vast majority of businesses out there, most likely including yours. However, since you're really here for insights on NetSuite pricing, we'll leave our overview of the platform to our previous insights and get to the nitty gritty.

Free Resource: NetSuite Go-Live Checklist

The NetSuite Pricing Model: Packages, Users, Add-On Modules, and More

Although NetSuite's ERP software solution promises to streamline your business, its pricing model can seem like a puzzle at first glance. At its heart, NetSuite is a SaaS that lets you customize your solution by selecting what you want and who you want to use it. Think of it like building a custom house, where you choose the core functionalities you need – accounting, inventory, CRM, etc. – from pre-configured models like its Starter, Standard, and Premium editions, then adding specialized functions – modules – for greater functionality.

Just like a custom house, if you don't need a bonus room, you don't include one in the design. Likewise, if taller ceilings are a must for your NBA-esque mob of teenagers, you definitely want to have them in your blueprints. The point is, you make NetSuite what you want according to your specific business requirements – nothing more, nothing less. So, on that note, let's look at the many different factors that determine your NetSuite subscription cost.

NetSuite Editions

Each edition of NetSuite provides a specific level of functionality tailored to different company sizes and needs:

  • Starter Edition: Tailored for emerging businesses – i.e., those that have outgrown or are quickly outgrowing Quickbooks –the Starter Edition covers essential accounting financial management – including general ledger, accounts payable and receivable – as well as inventory management and NetSuite CRM with limited marketing automation features. Businesses can choose between a focus on Products or Services, ensuring a fit for their specific operational model.
  • Standard Edition: Ideal for mid-sized businesses, the Standard Edition offers advanced financial features, including multi-currency, budgeting, and forecasting. It supports a wide range of industries with specialized options for manufacturing, retail, wholesale/distribution, advertising, media, campus stores, software, services, and many, many more. The Standard Edition caters to companies with complex workflows.
  • Premium Edition: For large enterprises, the Premium Edition delivers comprehensive functionality across all departments. It includes advanced analytics, extensive customization options, and supports global operations, suitable for organizations with sophisticated business processes. Just like the Standard Edition, it also supports myriad industry-specific options.

Add-On Modules

Once you've chosen an edition, you can further personalize your NetSuite solution with add-on modules to cater to specific industry needs or business processes. While this area is a massive benefit to using NetSuite, don't forget that each module adds to the overall cost, so careful selection is crucial. That said, some popular modules include:

  • Professional Services Automation: Streamline project management, resource allocation, and client billing for consulting firms. This module can boost team efficiency and invoice accuracy, potentially leading to faster turnaround times and improved client satisfaction.
  • Advanced Revenue Recognition: Accurately track and recognize revenue for subscription-based businesses. This module ensures compliance with accounting standards and provides valuable insights into revenue streams, potentially improving financial forecasting and strategic decision-making.
  • OCR Automation: NetSuite combines OCR technology with AI to automate the data entry process when both receiving and processing vendor invoices. By extracting critical invoice information directly from invoice documents and automatically populating the correct field in NetSuite, users save heaps of time and frustration they’d normally devote to manually capturing invoice data.

Of course, that's just the tip of the module iceberg, so we suggest thorough due diligence into the modules available as well as your specific needs to hone in on wants vs. needs. Ultimately, you want to consider the projected ROI of each module before investing, factoring in potential time savings, improved accuracy, and increased operational efficiency.

Global Pricing Variations

For multinational organizations, regional market factors can influence NetSuite pricing. While the core editions and modules are standard across regions, you might be subject to potential adjustments based on your location, including:

  • Currency fluctuations: Potential currency fluctuations can impact pricing, making budgeting strategies especially important in mitigating risks. In this area, it's usually beneficial to partner with local specialists familiar with regional pricing variations.
  • Local regulations: There could also be additional compliance costs associated with specific regional regulations or data privacy laws in certain countries. Again, partnering with local NetSuite specialists familiar with regional requirements can ensure informed decision-making and avoid hidden compliance costs.

NetSuite Service Tiers

NetSuite offers a couple of service tiers, each providing varying levels of support and training at different cost points:

  • Standard Tier: Basic phone and email support with limited training resources that offer essential troubleshooting tips for users.
  • Premier Tier: 24/7 support with dedicated technical specialists, customized training programs, and proactive optimization recommendations. This is a customized approach to support, monitor, and fine-tune your NetSuite operations, well after your go-live comes and goes.

Of course, the higher the tier, the higher the cost. Still, better support also translates to greater peace of mind, faster resolution times for technical issues, and potential ROI through improved efficiency and user adoption.

Implementation Costs

Remember, the pricing equation isn't complete without considering the NetSuite implementation costs as well. Implementation is typically a one-time investment that involves migrating your data, configuring the platform, and training your team. In nearly every possible instance, partnering with an implementation expert is a very sound and justified investment.

NetSuite Pricing Variables and Best Practices

Now that you have a better idea of the many factors involved in NetSuite's pricing, we want to take a more nuanced look at these critical considerations to help guide your due diligence and decision-making process.

Company Size and Complexity

Your business size and operational intricacies play a significant role in your choices. Startups and solopreneurs can navigate with the streamlined NetSuite Starter Edition, while larger, complex organizations require the comprehensive Premium package, leading to a higher price tag. Other points and best practices to consider:

  • Emerging businesses: Leverage referral programs and explore pre-configured industry solutions for cost-effective entry points. Consider annual subscriptions instead of monthly fees for predictable budgeting.
  • Growing companies: The goal is to seamlessly adapt to growing user bases and expanding needs. Thus, you want to avoid unnecessary upgraded licensing costs and start with a smaller package, adding modules or user licenses as needed.
  • Established enterprises: Discuss custom pricing options and enterprise-level support packages available for complex organizations with unique business requirements.

Industry-Specific Needs

Your industry's specific requirements can also be a significant cost variable. For example, manufacturing companies might need the Production Management module, while professional services firms could benefit from the Professional Services Automation module, each adding to the overall price. Also, depending on the sector, there could be potential integration costs with industry-specific third-party applications as well.


Yes, NetSuite's flexibility is a huge selling point for the platform. But while customization offers a perfect fit, it can also cause price increases, and significant ones at that. Thus, carefully consider your customization needs and weigh the benefits against the potential impact on the price point. During your due diligence, look at factors like:

  • Level of customization: Look at the differences between light customization through, for example, custom reports, and extensive customization tactics like bespoke workflows to see how the varying cost ranges look up close and personal.
  • Open-source alternatives: While a potential cost savings, open-source customization options also introduce implementation complexities so tread carefully.
  • Alternative solutions: Explore pre-built integrations or third-party solutions that might address specific customization needs more cost-effectively than customized development.

Implementation Scope

The complexity of your data migration and system configuration affects the implementation cost. A straightforward setup might come with your package cost, while a complex migration could require additional fees. Things to consider regarding your implementation:

  • Data migration challenges: Legacy systems or complex data structures often introduce data migration challenges that impact implementation costs.
  • Phased approach: A phased approach to implementation that prioritizes core functionalities and migrates data in manageable chunks can mitigate the risk associated with the challenges mentioned above.
  • Training and support: Factor in training and support costs during implementation to ensure smooth user adoption and ongoing system efficiency. Once again, partnering with NetSuite specialists can provide better support while saving a ton of frustration and inefficiency down the road.


Since NetSuite's modular nature allows you to scale as you grow, it's usually best to start with a smaller package and add modules and user licenses as needed, avoiding overspending on functionalities you don't currently require.

In other words, consider your team's specific needs and choose the right user types – full, self-service, or read-only – to optimize your investment, looking at factors many companies initially overlook.

  • User tiers: Go beyond basic categories and consider specialized user roles like warehouse managers or e-commerce platform users and their cost implications. For example, don't pay for a bunch of SuiteCommerce advanced users if you don't need them.
  • Seasonal fluctuations: Manage user licenses during peak seasons or periods of temporary high demand through temporary licenses or phased onboarding strategies.
  • Phased implementation: Initially prioritize essential users and add others gradually as proficiency and utilization increase, ensuring cost-effective adoption.

From a broader perspective, you should also consider your anticipated growth trajectory when choosing a package and modules, another opportunity to avoid unnecessary upfront costs for capabilities that don't align with your current or anticipated business needs.

Hidden Cost-Saving Opportunities

Don't overlook other potential cost-saving opportunities as you research different NetSuite configurations.

  • Negotiation tactics: Customers with a strong purchase potential can sometimes negotiate different discounts like long-term commitment discounts or volume agreements. Beyond just the base price, other areas are also open to potential negotiation, including extended support periods or training packages.
  • Free resources: NetSuite's community forums and knowledge base provide cost-effective – free! – troubleshooting and information gathering. There, you can utilize online communities and user groups to connect with other NetSuite users and share best practices for optimizing costs.

Beyond the Price Tag

As a final cost factor and consideration, don't forget that the cost of NetSuite goes beyond the initial sticker price. Consider the long-term ROI when making decisions, incorporating increased efficiency, improved data visibility, and enhanced customer satisfaction that can significantly impact your bottom line. Some recommendations in this area:

  • Quantify the benefits: Analyze how specific modules or functionalities can translate into cost savings or revenue generation. Estimate potential improvements in areas like operational efficiency, inventory management, or sales conversion to justify the investment.
  • A phased approach to ROI: Don't expect immediate returns on all investments. Plan for a phased approach to ROI, measuring progress and impact over time as you adopt and utilize the platform's features.
  • Continuous optimization: Regularly assess your NetSuite usage and optimize your configuration to ensure you're not paying for unused features or unnecessary NetSuite licenses. Also, utilize reporting tools and user data to identify areas for cost-saving adjustments.

The Benefits of Partnering with a NetSuite Solution Provider

Although NetSuite's pricing structure is hopefully much clearer to you now, we understand you still have a whole lot of questions. Unfortunately, a generalized blog isn't the time or place to offer specific answers. Why, you ask? Because every business is different, so it would be enormously unfair for us to make sweeping assumptions and provide information – including specific price ranges – without knowing you better.

That's why you don't see an official Embark NetSuite pricing calculator embedded in this page anywhere – simply too many variables are involved to provide a reliable estimate. Instead, we recommend consulting with a team of pros like Embark – or even NetSuite itself – for a more complete, customized picture that includes:

  • Needs Assessment: NetSuite specialists like Embark delve deep into a potential NetSuite customer's operations, understanding the size, complexity, industry, and specific requirements. This in-depth analysis ensures a tailored solution, not a one-size-fits-all guesstimate.
  • Tailored Recommendations: Based on your needs assessment, we then recommend the optimal combination of packages, modules, user types, and implementation strategies, guiding you toward a configuration that maximizes value and minimizes unnecessary costs.
  • Hidden Price Breaks: Your direct consultation might uncover hidden gems, like industry-specific solutions, pre-configured packages, or even volume discounts that online calculators wouldn't consider. Obviously, these can significantly impact your bottom line.
  • Future-Proofing Your Investment: The right NetSuite partner will look beyond the present, anticipating your future growth and scalability needs, recommending a configuration that adapts seamlessly to your evolving landscape, avoiding costly upgrades down the road.

So, where do you go from here? Well, assuming you choose to work with an experienced NetSuite expert to help you wade through the many choices, tasks, and opportunities ahead:

  • Find the Right NetSuite Partner: As you'd imagine, there are a lot out there. We might be biased, but you might as well start with the industry best.
  • Prepare for the Consultation: Gather information about your business size, needs, and budget to facilitate a productive discussion.
  • Ask Questions: Most importantly, don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify any doubts you might have. The more informed you are, the better the outcome.

And if you have any questions along the way, our team of NetSuite specialists are ready, willing, and able to help you find the best possible route forward. So let's talk.

Free Resource

NetSuite Go-Live Checklist

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